Services . . .



Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computerized database management system to capture, storage, retrieval, analysis, and display of spatial data or data defined by location. The types of information involved may include census data, natural resources, transportation data, land use, housing data, and other data sets that are relevant to the business needs of the organization.

Below advantages can be achieved from GIS while dealing with any geographic related data.

GIS integrates spatial and other kinds of information within one system: it offers a consistent framework for analysing space
GIS makes connections between activities based on spatial proximity
GIS provides the mechanisms for undertaking the manipulation and display of geographic knowledge
GIS service pool the data to accelerate the working procedure and increase the effectiveness to improve solutions.
Better decision-making: GIS solutions provide spatial information which depicts the physical and social characteristics of that place, hence provides witness for better ideas for decision making.
Combined data storage: Data being shared at a single location can help in increasing healthy communication between colleagues. It even facilitates the organization to get the information at one place and enhances the efficiency of work
Visualization: Urban planners and developers get enough of knowledge about the landscapes, land leveling and market localization and population distribution for performing relevant calculations. This system provides basis for physical future visualization.


Land Base Mapping


Utility Mapping


Parcel Mapping


Parcel Mapping


Cadastral Mapping